Thursday, November 19, 2009

From the Lips of Children

Sometimes my kids really blow me away.   Mostly it happens when I'm least expecting it and I get to see a glimpse of their beautiful hearts.  I got to experience this thrill last week with Madeline and her friend Isaac.  They were at our house diligently working on a secret craft project.  Turns out, they had created several beautiful colorful drawings, and put prices on the top.  (i.e., "Winter Scene, $1.00", etc.)  They were so proud to show off their gallery and quickly determined that they wanted to take their pictures to the local park to sell them.  Isaac's mom, Cynthia, and I asked questions about what they were hoping to accomplish by selling their creations.  After deliberating for a few moments, our kids returned with their plan -- they wanted to earn money to give to New Horizons, a ministry to homeless youth that had recently been robbed.  They wanted to help replace some of the bus tickets and other goods that had been stolen.  I loved the idea, but remained cautious.  I couldn't imagine that anyone at the park would actually respond to them as they expected.  Nevertheless, Cynthia and I decided to make it a learning moment, and we took them to the park.  We were clear that this was their project, so they would have to talk to their customers and explain the vision.  

Well, those kids blew my socks off.  They boldly walked up to every parent at the park and explained the situation at New Horizons, stated that they were earning money to give to the ministry, and politely asked if he or she would be interested in buying an original piece of art to contribute.  Watching the parents (and sometimes their kids) respond brought tears to my eyes.  Everyone at the park was touched in some way by this small gesture.  People were emptying pockets, running home for spare change, and lighting up at the opportunity to give.  Madeline and Isaac ended up selling all their art work for over $10.00.  They inspired us all that day to bring the love of Christ into unexpected places, and to make a difference right where we are.  My daughter was supposed to learn something from this experience, but in the end I was the one that received the teaching.  


  1. Wow! That's so awesome, Tiff- What an amazing gift our kids are!

  2. "Great" Aunt MelanieNovember 19, 2009 at 9:15 AM

    This wonderful story on this particular date, the 12-year anniversary of Grandpa Les' homegoing, just confirms that his legacy lives on. I wish he had lived long enough to meet your daughters. He would be very proud of them - and of you and Jon for raising such awesome girls!

  3. Adorable! I loved reading this story...

  4. What amazing children and moms! This is a beautiful story!

